Monday, November 9, 2009


Oh my goodness this is my favorite project so far.... I had these gorgeous shoes umm Kenneth Cole anyone???? But they had gotten all beaten up and I was just gonna throw them away cause they weren't even Goodwill worthy, but lo and behold I came across this from my favorite craft blog Create Studio .... modge podge shoes.. really???

So I seam ripped the ruffle off the shoes and then headed to Jo Anns and got some outdoor modge podge, an exacto knife, and some fabric.

Then I followed the tutorial and viola.... here are my super amazingly cute new shoes.

LOVE them soooooo much and I am ready to make another pair!!!!
I am going to have shoes to coordinate with every outfit... I thought about even trying it on some pumps... hmmmm

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The dresser

I have been sooo excited to post this project. It is one I had been planning and dreaming of for months. About a year ago I got this really cruddy looking dresser from the dumpster at my apartment complex... yeah yeah okay go ahead and judge, you are just jealous you didn't get it first. Then a few months ago when Glidden was giving away their free paint, I knew just what to paint. I wanted something for my new room in Boston that was bright and colorful to keep me happy during the loooooong winter. So bam here is it.. my masterpiece!

I sanded the nasty green paint off of the dresser

Then used my amazing "sexy pink" paint to paint the dresser and added zebra printed ribbon for the drawer pulls

Add a super cute mirror, some hooks for jewelry, a basket for hair stuff, and a tray for makeup and you have my favorite corner in my room.... it makes me smile everytime I walk in.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Making a T-shirt Quilt

I decided to finally take my pile of t-shirts and sweatshirts from college and make them into the quilt I have always wanted to. This is a super economical project :)

I started by going to my local home improvement store and having plexi glass cut into squares that would make it easier to cute out my squares for my quilt. I decided to go with 12x12 and 6x6 squares.
They were able to cut the glass from scrapes so it only cost $1 for the plexi glass!
The 12x12 square would be for the backs of the t-shirts and the 6x6 would be for the area on the front.

I then cut my t-shirts into two pieces
Laid out the shirt onto my cutting board and used a rolli cutter to cut around my plexi glass template. (I sat on a hard surface like my tile kitchen floor to cut)
I cut out 6x6 squares from the scrap t-shirt material to help add more color to my quilt.
I then figured out how I wanted to put the squares and the pattern I was going to use. I put them in chronological order starting with freshman year shirts at the top and then worked my way through the years, ending with senior year shirts on the bottom two rows.
I put a 12x12 square and then 2 6x6 squares stacked on top of each other. Alternating the start of each row with either a 12x12 square or 2 6x6 squares to make a neat pattern.
I used interfacing to make the squares a bit stiffer and easier to sew together.
I sewed two 6x6 squares together then sewed the 12x12 square to it and continued down the row.
After sewing the whole row then sew the rows together.

I then bought batting and took an old jersey knit sheet and sewed the sheet and the rows of quilted shirts together. I folded the sheet and the front of the quilt in and pinned the sides together, I then used the zig zag stitch.
Voila... here is my quilt. I can't wait to curl up on cold New England days or use it for a picnic in the Commons and get to tell all about my Alma Mater.. it will be a story board of my wonderful time at MC :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I decided it would be fun to create a blog just for my crafts, so welcome to you all and I hope we can inspire one another with our creativity!